Not Just Burgers And BBQs - 5 Top Foods To Eat This Summer

5th July, 2019

Apart from your wardrobe, your diet is also one thing that should undergo a major change come the summer season – apart from lazy beach days and pool parties, the hot weather also brings with it higher risks that could lead to a number of health problems, such as dehydration. The team at De Robertis, one of the most unique restaurants in Valletta, shares a few foods that you should be adding to your plate this summer.

1. Tomatoes

A popular addition to soups, salads and sandwiches, tomatoes are a rich in antioxidants and vitamins. They also contain the phytochemical called lycopene, which is taught to lower the risk of cancer as well as cardiovascular disease.

2. Chicken

If you’re looking for a lean protein choice for the summer, then chicken is the perfect choice. It has a relatively short cooking time and can easily be paired with a green salad or a glaze of your choice – a meal that is instantly healthy and hearty. Four ounces of chicken breast that is skinned and boned has 4 grams of fat and 35 grams of protein.

3. Leafy greens and vegetables

Take care not to overboil or overcook any veggies during the summer, as this results in them losing precious water content that is so invaluable during particularly hot spells. Herbs such as basil and black pepper not only give us a burst of energy but can also aid weight loss. For vegetables that are particularly high in fluids, stock up on radishes, lettuce and celery.

4. Prawns

You shrimply cannot miss out on this delicious crustacean this summer! Prawns are a great source of iron, phosphorus and vitamin B12. A popular summer seafood, they’re a great side to a crunchy rice or green salad, as well as pasta or tapas.

5. Salmon

What food is more summery than salmon? There are so many ways to cook this mouthwatering, flavoursome fish – smoked and draped over your favourite salad, charred on the grill or even a yummy addition to your sandwich at work. Salmon is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, and can also help reduce the risk of heart disease – incidentally, the most common cause of death among women.

Soak in the summer here at one of the most stylish restaurants in Valletta – De Robertis?

Enjoy a spectacular view from our rooftop dining terrace while treating yourself to our sumptuous food. De Robertis is a treat for both the eyes and the stomach, serving you the very best of the Mediterranean in both lifestyle and cuisine. Few other restaurants in Valletta can compare to our rooftop haven!

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